
JSON PATHDescriptionExampleMandatory
file_date_and_timeUTC Date transmitted by processor Format: YYYY-MM-DD hmmss2023-01-15 011525Mandatory
total_number_of_recordsDetails how many records are included in the report1Mandatory
network_fee.nmiThe numeric Network Management Identifier (ICA / BID) associated with the fee123456Mandatory
network_fee.program_nameProgram Name associated with the cardCLOWD9Optional
network_fee.program_idProgram ID associated with the card. Generated by CLOWD91028c3d4-06fc-401d-bbb2-9df36a06e06bOptional
network_fee.fee_idProduct ID associated with card. Generated by CLOWD9 represented as a GUIDed85a7cc-eef9-4df9-a440-a29ead50a5d3Mandatory
network.card_idThe identifier associated to the card used represented as a GUID333933ef-a6f1-4ac1-8d24-68a34d9564eaOptional
network_fee.fee_descriptionThe description associated with the fee provided by the NetworkConnectivity FeeMandatory
network_fee.fee_reason_codeReason code provided by the Network7800Mandatory
network_fee.fee_typeThe fee type provided from the Network783Mandatory
network_fee.directionTo identify if the amount is a Debit or CreditDebit
network_fee.fee_dateThe date associated to the fee, YYYYMMDD1ae4af71-720d-4657-a742-24c7bc809985Mandatory
network_fee.fee_amountThe fee amount in units represented in transaction_currency.
For example 10000 = 100.00
network_fee.fee_currencyThe currency code associated to the feeGBPMandatory
network_fee.settlement_dateDate of settlement from the network, YYYY-MM-DD2025-01-25Optional
network_fee.settlement_amountThe fee amount in units represented in settlement_currency.
For example 10000 = 100.00
network_fee.settlement_currencyThe settlement currency code associated to the feeGBPOptional