Card Status Report


CLOWD9 will, by default, generate the Card Status Report daily (seven days a week) and send this to you via a previously configured SFTP connection.

The main purpose of this report is to provide you with any status changes at card_id level within the previous 24 hours for cards residing under your programs and products. The Card Status Report will not provide you with other activity relating to the card_id outside of status changes. However this information will be provided in other CLOWD9 reports.

The data provided within the report will be as per the configuration setup agreed previously with your Implementation Manager, for example, masked PAN, and data fields. The configuration can be amended where required at agreed times with CLOWD9.

File Naming Conventions

Name (Program Manager)Agreed via the Customer Configuration Form. AN – length up to 15 characters (_ is allowed)
Report Namecardstatusreport
UTC Timehhmmss

Example: ProgramManager-cardstatus-20231122-010540.json

Report Specifications

JSON PATHDescriptionSample/Example
file_date_and_time UTC Date transmitted by CLOWD9
Format: YYYY-MM-DD hhmmss
2023-01-20 102234
total_number_of_records Details how many records are included in the report 6
program_name Program Name associated with the
card. Generated by CLOWD9
program_id Program ID associated with card 7ab1e3e2-32cc-4e8f-
product_id Product ID associated with card 7ab1e3e2-32cc-4e8f-
card_id The ID of the card related to the status change 9fc53743-247b-185f-
bin 6 or 8 digits identifying the BIN associated with the card 123456 or
bin_type Identifies the BIN type debit
card_creation_date Date the card_id was created 2023-01-20
card_activation_date Date the card_id was activated 2023-01-22
previous_card_status Previous status of the card_id active
new_card_status Current (new) status of the card_id risk
change_date Date the status change was applied to the card_id 2023-11-22
expiry_date The date the card_id is due to expire 2025-09-30
external_ref Optional reference held under the card_id UUID
reason Optional reason as to why the status change has been requested Potential Fraud
originator_id Details the UUID linked to the Status Change 57ad4267-af6d-4e41-8534-4d6770095481
status_originator Details the source of the status requestApi or

Example output file


  "file_date_and_time": "2024-01-25 105846",
  "total_number_of_records": "1",
  "status_changes": [
      "program_name": "CLOWD9",
      "program_id": "43401b2f-6dae-49f8-bf86-f289b4ae3569",
      "product_id": "bf336915-e237-4a9c-9e61-0880edb45f46",
      "card_id": "a7880ab9-4d3c-4593-9059-3cef564c0cd4",
      "bin": "12345678",
      "bin_type": "",
      "card_creation_date": "2024-01-23",
      "card_activation_date": "2024-01-23",
      "previous_card_status": "inactive",
      "new_card_status": "active",
      "change_date": "2024-01-23",
      "expiry_date": "2027-01-31",
      "external_ref": "",
      "3ds_activation_date": "--",
      "reason": "activate card",
      "originator_id": "8bd7312e-b078-4062-978b-9facd6502adf",
      "status_originator": "Api",
      "trace_id": "7802015123473651912"