Retrieving the Secure Card Details
The Card user’s device shall pass the encrypted cipher to You. The cipher together with the card_id and customer_id are to be provided to CLOWD9 using the Get Secure Card Details API (/v1/cards/{card_id}/secure-details). Just like the public key, the encrypted cipher should not be stored in any logs and databases.
Post a successful request, CLOWD9 will return the *Personal Identification Number (PIN), PAN, Expiry, CVV and unique trace ID in the response encrypted under cipher which in turn is to be transmitted to the end user’s mobile device.
*PIN will only be provided if held by CLOWD9. For Virtual programs a PIN is not required
Get Secure Card Details
Headers | Accept: application/json' 'Authorization: {{ access_token }}' |
Body | { "customer_id": "4aec6e9d-014c-402f-8565-7d3e34cb3446", "encrypted_cipher": "c1mtL5UCyivSf/DPBEc64yFq6vnb7VGbFouY3O5ACs3dsU+1I7XLugjRsKVxSzp7w6AWppm0hj4A34UWMqy8w9hndsWQdLfnJ3sJ6Q6eNu/xokk385LeFmV8c5VykfzR", "secure_id": "87e0a980-915e-44e9-990e-f9f353a78fab" } |
Response | { "cvv": "VRtWvOgQ89NDuNhcc+Gdbq4CbQ==", "expiry": "2701", "pan": "LqkuGRkozbDPQgzeaxH1WwiDVs7ROE1Kq0XubXIHrZQ=", "pin": "O2bEP3FtkbOIM3q4cVQ+kpQEj40=", "trace_id": "8d328f84e2c657c0c3d546ad158c3027" } |
Updated 23 days ago
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