Retrieving & Displaying the Secure Card Details

The Card user’s device shall pass the encrypted cipher to You. The cipher together with the card_id and customer_id are to be provided to CLOWD9 using the Get Secure Card Details API (/v1/cards/{card_id}/secure-details). Just like the public key, the encrypted cipher should not be stored in any logs and databases.

Post a successful request, CLOWD9 will return the *Personal Identification Number (PIN), PAN, Expiry, CVV and unique trace ID in the response encrypted under cipher which in turn is to be transmitted to the end user’s mobile device.

*PIN will only be provided if held by CLOWD9. For Virtual programs a PIN is not required

Get Secure Card Details

HeadersAccept: application/json'
'Authorization: {{ access_token }}'
"customer_id": "4aec6e9d-014c-402f-8565-7d3e34cb3446",
"encrypted_cipher": "c1mtL5UCyivSf/DPBEc64yFq6vnb7VGbFouY3O5ACs3dsU+1I7XLugjRsKVxSzp7w6AWppm0hj4A34UWMqy8w9hndsWQdLfnJ3sJ6Q6eNu/xokk385LeFmV8c5VykfzR",
"secure_id": "87e0a980-915e-44e9-990e-f9f353a78fab"
"cvv": "VRtWvOgQ89NDuNhcc+Gdbq4CbQ==",
"expiry": "2701",
"pan": "LqkuGRkozbDPQgzeaxH1WwiDVs7ROE1Kq0XubXIHrZQ=",
"pin": "O2bEP3FtkbOIM3q4cVQ+kpQEj40=",
"trace_id": "8d328f84e2c657c0c3d546ad158c3027"

Once the secure card details are transmitted by You to the card user’s application, the device can then decrypt the card details using the previously generated cipher. Any further steps, such as further authentication before displaying the data is to be done in the app at your discretion.