Reporting Guide

CLOWD9 provide a range of reports to support the management and reconciliation activities for your programmes.

Our reports are in json format and follow the json structure whereby the reports will only include the fields which have data.

The time and frequency of report generation is configured at report level during the Implementation phase; however can be adjusted accordingly at a later stage.


Report NameDescriptionAudience
Authorizations ReportProvides you with all Authorization information for your programs Issuers
Program Managers
Third Party Reconciliation Providers
Presentment, Interchange and Fees (PIF)Provides you with all Clearing information for your programs Issuers
Program Managers
Third Party Reconciliation Providers
Card Status ReportProvides you with the status of each card_id Program Managers
Customer Details Provides you with the Customer information held and the card(s) associated with the CustomerIssuers
Network FeesProvides you with the individual fees from the Network at NMI level Issuers
Third Party Reconciliation Providers

File Naming Conventions

All of our reports follow the same naming convention:

Pre_fixFor Issuer reports, the name provided will be the configured Issuer name
For you, the report will be the name configured

Format: AN – length up to 15 characters (_ is allowed)
Report NameThe name of the report, for example: Authorization, PIF
ClientThis will be your Client name
UTC Timehhmmss

Example: Name-ReportName-Client-YYYYMMDD-hhmmss.json

File Specifications

JSON PathDescriptionExample
The name of the fieldDescription of the field and information containedExample of the data