Set Card Status

The Set Card Status API will enable you to change the status of a specific card_id.

active: Card is active and system allows the transaction to be processed.

destroyed: Where your customer decides they no longer require the card or for other reasons the card is to be terminated. This status cannot be reversed.

freeze: A temporary block at the customer’s request. The status can be reversed upon the customer’s request or changed to another status, for example, lost/stolen.

administrative: Where you require the card to be blocked pending further investigation. This status allows your customer service team to differentiate between potential fraudulent use and the card being blocked by the customer’s request.

fraud: Post investigations or following your customer identifying fraudulent use, this status can be used subject to network dispute rules as they may require the card to be in a stolen status first.

stolen - Card has been marked as stolen. This status can’t be reverted but can be changed to fraud if required.

lost: Card has been marked as lost. This status cannot be reverted but can be changed to fraud if required.

Status generated by CLOWD9:

risk: When a fraud and risk rule has been triggered, CLOWD9 will automatically change the status preventing further authorizations. This status can be updated to the relevant status post your investigations.

inactive: Assigned to newly created card_ids. This status is changed to ‘active’ upon card activation.

expired: This status is only to be used by CLOWD9 when the expiry date has passed.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!